Changing with the Season
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Changing with the Season

We’re meant to change, just like the seasons! There’s so much to look forward to as each season shifts.

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Trusting Myself
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Trusting Myself

I use to constantly look outside of myself for the answers, as if everyone else knew better than me. I didn't trust myself or have any concept of an "inner knowing."

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Adult Friendship
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Adult Friendship

Adult friendships can be tricky. They require vulnerability, time, and effort. But the payoff is invaluable.

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Celebrate Yourself
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Celebrate Yourself

Don’t wait for someone else’s validation that what you’ve accomplished is worth celebrating.

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Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette


Your family of origin can really affect your sense of belonging throughout your entire life.

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Why I’m Vegan
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Why I’m Vegan

My journey to becoming vegan was 100% about living a life of authenticity, that prioritizes my values.

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Creating a Morning Routine
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Creating a Morning Routine

Creating a morning routine allows you to prioritize your needs when you start your day, before focusing on everyone else!

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Romanticize Your Life
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Romanticize Your Life

Life is made up of the every day little moments, not just the big ones that are far and few between. Let’s enjoy them!

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Your Environment Shapes You
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Your Environment Shapes You

The people you surround yourself with and the environments you choose to be in are shaping who you are. They’re either contributing to the best version of you, or not…

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Self Sabotage
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Self Sabotage

Self Sabotage. We all do it. But why? And what can we do instead?

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