Summer Bucket List
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Summer Bucket List

This year I’m getting intentional about my summer plans. I’m making a summer bucket list, so I don’t reach the end of summer and have total FOMO!

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Hiding behind busyness
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Hiding behind busyness

Do you use busyness as a numbing agent? Does your busyness serve you, or do you just allow yourself to get swept up in other people’s requests, etc?

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Lessons from a Puppy
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Lessons from a Puppy

Niles came into our life at a time where A. we needed him the most B. it was the worst time ever to get a puppy.

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Finding my Purpose   Act 3: ages 33- 37
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Finding my Purpose Act 3: ages 33- 37

Finding my Purpose Act 3: ages 33- 37

I started working as a corporate fundraiser for a Boston area shelter that assists people experiencing homelessness. To say I went from black to white was an understatement.

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Finding my Purpose    Act 1: age 0-22
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Finding my Purpose Act 1: age 0-22

Finding my Purpose Act 1: age 0-22

A bit of a late bloomer is probably the best way I would describe my journey to finding my purpose (which is still a work in progress… Hello, blog).

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