Romanticize Your Life

Ever look at someone else's life and think,"I want that!"?

That's probably most of us :) But when you take away the highlight reel and the "big" stuff you may envy about someone else's life, there's all the everyday moments. And really, the everyday moments are more of what makes up our life. Add them together, and how does your life feel? Is it something you’re happy with, or something you need a vacation from? I really believe the key to greater overall satisfaction and happiness in our life is appreciating everyday small moments, rather than just focusing on the big stuff. Because the big life events are fewer and farther between. And we don’t need to do anything super grandiose to make a big difference in our every day lives.

So how do we make the everyday moments in our life a little more joyful? Here are some examples of what I've been doing.

Add joy to the mundane

You know those tasks you have to do, but they're the last things you feel like doing? Maybe it's laundry, unloading the dishwasher, cleaning the house etc. My favorite thing to do to make those tasks less ick and more enjoyable is to distract myself with a podcast or audiobook. I'll often save my favorite podcasts to listen to during these tasks so I actually look forward to getting to do the task, so I can get to listening! There's a podcast for literally everything so I highly recommend trying this out.  There's also an app called Libby which lets you download books from your local library for free.

Making sure I have daily routines that bring joy, while contributing to my health and wellness

Think of it as joyful self care. It's doing things that bring you joy, but are also contributing to your best self. Here are some examples of things I’ve been doing:

  • Workouts that I enjoy (rather than what I think I "should" be doing to get in a workout)

  • Taking at least 1 walk outside daily

  • Meal prepping healthy foods that I enjoy and that saves me time during the week when I get busy and feel less motivated to cook or eat something healthy

  • Meditating

  • Reading for fun

  • Hydrating (and flavored seltzer totally counts if that's all I'm in the mood for)

Joyful little things & everyday moments

I try to take stock of the little moments throughout the day, and I consciously add them in wherever I can! Here are some examples of things I like to do to add joy to a moment, or to appreciate the little things and small activities that bring me joy. The best part is you don't need anyone but yourself for company to enjoy these things :)

  • I go to the library. There is something so magical and calming about the library. I really don't know what it is. But it feels like a treasure hunt finding the right book, especially if it's one you've been wanting for awhile and it's finally available.

  • I try alllllll the seasonal coffee drinks at coffee shops.

  • When I'm cooking dinner, I love to put on a movie to watch in the background. Something that suits whatever mood I'm in! This is especially great if it's a recipe that takes longer or there's a lot of mundane chopping or something.

  • I go to the farmer’s market. It’s so inspiring to see all the makers and farmers etc, and it’s also a fun way to mix up what you eat. I’ll take inspiration from what’s in season and available at the farmer’s market. And I grab things I’m not familiar with, and figure out what to make with it later! I have found so many new veggies I never knew existed, that I totally enjoy (hello, kohlrabi).

  • I like to read a book outside, so it's like a joy doubleheader ;)

  • I spend as much time outside as I can, and I take the time to notice how the trees, leaves, flowers etc. evolve over the seasons.

  • When I'm sitting down to work on my laptop for a good chunk of time, I light a scented candle and have a cup of coffee or something else I enjoy. Sometimes I mix it up and bring my laptop to the library to work for a change of scenery.

  • I plan new recipes to try to keep things interesting and for a change of pace. Sometimes I bake something sweet just because. We don’t have to wait for a special occasion! I change my recipes by season too.

  • I take myself on a random little day "dates.” Sometimes I’ll browse little shops or grab a lunch somewhere. Just something to break up a day off and have a change in scenery. Sometimes, I’ll make a bigger thing of it and take a day trip to Providence or somewhere else if I’m really looking for a change of scenery. I’ll listen to podcasts on the drive, and I’ll take a walk downtown and grab my favorite takeout to bring home.

  • I take myself to the movies if there's something I'm excited to see. It's totally an easy solo activity and a lot of people actually see movies alone, trust me!

  • I take my dogs in the car with me while I run errands. It makes it more fun for me, and the dogs love getting out of the house. And usually I'll stop for a treat for them as a toll ;)

  • I make floral arrangement for myself/my home. Obviously I'm biased, but flowers in the home just make it feel like home. 

  • I light fires in our fireplace in the winter to make our home feel cozy. Firepits in the summer of course!

  • I decorate for the seasons. Swap throw pillows, add colored taper candles that match the season, scented candles that match the season, greenery everywhere for winter, real pumpkins everywhere for fall, you get the idea. It makes it feel like home and if you live somewhere that has 4 seasons, it's so fun to celebrate them.

In summary- don't wait for the big life events to enjoy your life. Do it now. Like right now. Go put a killer playlist on. Sing along. Light a candle. Bake a cake just cause. Have coffee in bed on a Saturday with a good book. Try a new recipe. Explore a new town on your own. We get to choose the little moments that make up our days.



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