What was I made for?

Lately I've fallen prey to the everything Barbie craze.

And if you haven’t seen the movie yet (which I highly recommend), it covers some pretty deep topics. I won't do any major spoilers but- towards the end of the movie, the main character (Stereotypical Barbie played by Margot Robbie) starts to question her purpose. Cue "What was I made for" by Billie Eilish which now I can't help but get weepy when I hear it. It got me to thinking about the process we all go through to find our purpose. Here are some things I've been thinking about lately.  

If you're not ruminating over what your purpose is, there's nothing wrong with you. Chances are, you're exactly where you're supposed to be, doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing. It's not something that has to be overthought.

If on the other hand you're constantly ruminating about it- a suggestion, as someone who has often been in that boat (and still currently is). Get out of your head. Do something about it. Anything. We spend so much of our lives thinking about "what if I did this," without ever entertaining it outside of our heads. So how will we ever know if that "thing" is the thing? The only way to know is to try. And it doesn't mean you have to go all in. It also doesn't mean you have to know the exact ending. You can just try things on for size. Things are far less permanent than we make them out to be. And if you're worried about what people will think- just don't. First of all we don't actually know what people are thinking. And second of all. Here's what I think. When I see someone trying something new, putting themselves out there, being vulnerable- I am in awe and so happy for them. I'm impressed. Just that they would try. It's more than many people ever do. And if they fail? So what. At least they tried and they figured out if it was the right fit. This blog is a perfect example of me trying something on. I'm trying writing. I'm trying vulnerability and putting myself out there. I'm trying to share something. I have no idea what the end of this looks like. What I've figured out so far though, has been so valuable. I'm enjoying it. Truly. I'm enjoying every piece of it. So if nothing happens other than me continuing to put bog posts out, so be it! On the flip side- I know when I look back months from now and see how much I've written, I'm going to be proud of myself. Just for trying. Just for following an idea and seeing where it takes me.

Get outside of the environment that's shaped you. We know what we know. If you grew up in a household where certain ideals were taught, that may be all you know. Maybe you had two parents who both worked in office settings. Maybe you grew up in an environment where the women didn't work. There's nothing wrong with whatever version of reality you experienced, but maybe it's not the reality you want for yourself. And we often rely on what's modeled. Try to get outside of the environment that you're most familiar with if you want to see what's possible. I'm not saying you have to go and quit your job, or move out of your current household. Maybe you join some groups and get to know different people who show you all the different ways you can live your life. It just expands what you think may be possible. And take notice of the people who's lives seem attractive to you.

There are so many definitions to purpose. First of all, if you're here on Earth right now, it's on purpose. You are here for a reason. Simple as that. And that reason could take so many forms. You could be here to be a parent, to be a partner, to be an inventor, to be an artist, to be someone who holds space for other people. To be someone who supports someone else's big creation. You might be someone who is here just to spread your positive energy and vibe to the people around you. So don't necessarily take my journey which has talked a lot about career as purpose, as what your purpose may be. I'm just confident that my purpose does have to do with work. But that may not be yours. You may work simply as a means to provide for your real purpose, such as raising kids. Or you may not work, and your purpose doesn't have to do with work. There is no one size fits all.

I truly believe the key to finding purpose is about joy and fulfillment. If you're happy, and you feel fulfilled, that energy spreads everywhere. It's that type of energy that lifts us all up, and allows us all to be our best selves. It's what creates this sense of community where we all live together as one, all working towards the same goals. Which is ultimately to be happy. It's all that all of us really want. We get ourselves into trouble when we overanalyze what our purpose should be, rather than just following the joy. Just follow the breadcrumbs of what lights you up. What makes you lose track of time. What you would do even if you weren't getting paid to do it. When you do that, the purpose part all works itself out.

So think less, and do more. Try more. Experiment. Don't focus on the end result. Follow the joy. We'll all end up where we're supposed to be. To be continued, I'm sure ;)



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