Exploring Human Design

Human design is like… spirituality meets astrology meets Myers Briggs.

Intrigued?! So was I. I initially heard it mentioned in a self help genre podcast. And after digging into my own chart, I can tell you that it brought so much clarity and confirmed what I already knew to be true about myself. Even some of those deep inner "knowings" that we never dare to claim out loud. What I love about your human design is that it's not subjective, whereas something like myers briggs requires you to be really honest with every question in order to get the best result. Human design is just based on data. Specifically, the date, time and location of your birth. I won't go into the history of human design or try to make you a "believer," I'll let you come to that on your own! But if you are curious, I would start by getting your human design chart for free here: https://www.ihdschool.com/get-your-chart. Make sure you have your birth certificate handy, because the exact time of birth is important.

I'm going to share my experience with it and how it's helped me to fully embrace my journey, so that you can see the value it could bring you too, if you decide you're curious. I've only scratched the surface when it comes to fully understanding human design, and my chart specifically. But I find it so fascinating, and fully plan to keep digging in. Two podcasts that I recommend if you're into podcasts and want to explore more on the subject are: DayLuna Human Design and Human Design with Jenna Zoe. With both of these podcasts, I recommend first getting your human design chart, and then scrolling through their episodes and start by digging deeper into the areas that cover your specific energy type and your profile (these will be outlined in your report). Also, Tiktok is flooded with human design info, so check that out too (I like Nadia Quinn). Let me tell you, you are about to go down the best kind of rabbit hole possible ;)

I'll share what I learned about my own Human Design, and how the information has affected me and how I've used it. I would say the biggest value out of learning your human design is understanding deeply who you are, where you get your energy from, your personality, etc. It's like a roadmap of who you came here to be. But it still leaves so much up for your unique experience in life. So what is doesn't do is definitively tell you exactly what you should be doing for work, for example. But it gives you so much information about what you're likely good at, attracted to, etc. that it really does help to provide clarity around what type of work you might enjoy and be suited to. So if you're someone on the hunt for your purpose, or want to self reflect, this is totally a great place to start. I guarantee you'll leave with new perspective. And I highly recommend also checking out the chart of your partner and close relatives or friends for perspective too! Knowing your human design just better helps you understand your gifts and talents, and the areas you are not meant to be as strong in. I think it's really validating, because it allows you to see that you came here with these very specific talents, and to not sweat the things you weren't born to be skilled at. It's not to say that you can't strive to be better at things you maybe weren't intended to be great at. But it does show what you're naturally better at, and the areas that you're not as strong. It's what makes us all unique, and shows the values of bringing our own strengths and working with people who bring different gifts to the table.

I've learned based on my chart that I am a 2:4 Generator in Human Design. Generator is my "type." It describes how I'm meant to use my energy and how to achieve flow in my life. As a Generator (Generators are apparently the majority of the population!) I am designed to use my energy to work, and I am designed to love the work I do. Could that possibly be any more accurate, with my constant rumination on purpose?! I think not ;) My aura (my energetic presence) is open and enveloping, and my strategy  is to wait to respond. What that means is that I'm meant to draw people toward me with my aura, and let opportunities come to me- and then decide how to respond to them. I'm not meant to outwardly solicit opportunities. This totally made sense to me, because I've found that the most fulfilling situations for me (both personally and professionally) have come to me when I'm in a flow state, and attract people/situations that come my way that feel aligned and that I say yes to. I've always noticed that when I try to force situations or opportunities, it hardly ever ends well. Either it ends up not being the right fit, it's a battle the whole time, etc. Just basically the opposite of a flow state where I end up asking myself- why was I pushing for this? So the reason this information has been helpful to me is that it confirms for me that I need to release and not force things, and just be myself- and the right people/situations will come my way (or I can make the call if they're not right). Learning that I'm a Generator and that my energy is meant to go towards work just validated the path I'm on of being so focused on my work and purpose.  

My profile is a 2-4 (described as "the hermit opportunist" or the "easy breezy genius"). Our profile is the "costume that we wear in life," and it defines us as individuals. When I read my description as the hermit opportunist, it really resonated with me. The 2 indicates that I'm naturally shy, and tend to "hermit" or be a homebody and focus on creating. As a 2 I am naturally good at things for no particular reason, but the issue is that I think everyone is good at those things and don't recognize them as talents/gifts. As a 4, I am naturally friendly and a people person, and I am most comfortable with people I know. The juxtaposition of these 2 numbers is fascinating. Basically my greatest opportunity is to be able to connect and share my gifts with others (after spending some time as a hermit creating). But I have to be pulled out of my hermit hole and out into the community. And once I'm out, I'm good. My head kind of exploded at how accurate this felt when I read it. It's the type of information that upon reading it I'm like, oh for sure. But it's never a way I would have outwardly described myself. It reminds me of how important it is for me to strike a balance of the amount of time I spend alone/creating and the amount of time I put myself out there in the community and connect. Both need to exist for me to feel balanced.

In your chart you will learn about your "defined and undefined centers." This part is totally fascinating. Basically where you have defined centers, you have your own consistent strength and energy in that area. Where you have undefined centers, you receive and amplify the energy of those around you. As someone who's highly sensitive, it did not surprise me at all that I have a lotttt of undefined centers. One of the undefined centers that I have that I found the most interesting to read about is my undefined Solar Plexus. The Solar Plexus is all about feelings, emotions and sensitivity. Because mine is undefined, I absorb and amplify the emotions of other people. What this means it that I can be particularly vulnerable to the needs, moods and feelings of other people. DING DING DING!!! So my challenge is to recognize when what I'm feeling isn't actually mine, but someone else's that I've taken on. This is something I've really worked on, and am getting better at. And when I recognize that certain people really affect me, I create boundaries around how much time and energy I spend with those people.

I could go on and on about human design, and about what I've read about myself. But let's be honest. That's not totally interesting to anyone but me LOL. What's most interesting is reading about yourself. Your own gifts, your own strengths, areas of challenge, etc. But hopefully this little glimpse into my experience reading my chart and learning more has opened you up to the idea of human design, and what it can offer you. And if it's too woo woo, I get it! But if not, I may have just made your Sunday night a lot more interesting ;) 





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