About Meryl Lee

Hi! I’m Meryl. I’m 40 and I live in Scituate, a small seaside town south of Boston, with my husband Jeb and our rescue dogs Reese & Niles. I own a small floral design business that I created 6 years ago on a bit of a whim (and a lot of hope and prayers lol). It has changed my life in ways I never could have imagined. I never saw myself as a business owner, didn’t identify as a designer, and had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Starting a business meant opening myself up to learning again. To being a beginner. To being vulnerable. And to being on my own. I wasn’t prepared for any part of it! You might assume that I must have a lot of confidence to make a move like that, or that I’m really comfortable with taking risks (I am so not!). In reality, I just had a hit of intuition about this business idea, and I just followed it and stumbled along. Along the way, I’ve figured out that our purpose is an ever evolving journey, and that we have to listen to our intuition when it guides us to try something new. That’s why I’m here, and my guess is it’s why you’re here too ;) The end goal will never change. And that’s to live a life of intention and purpose, that’s authentic to me. And filled with joy, of course. And it’s what I want for you too.

If you’ve arrived here and we haven’t met yet, a little more about me! I know it can feel vulnerable to reach out, so maybe this will help you decide if I’m the right fit for you! I’m an Aries and a 2/4 Generator in Human Design; I’m a vegan of 8 years and a huge animal lover; a lover of wine and craft beer; I love cooking; I love Peloton classes; I adore my dogs more than most things; I love flowers and all things design; I love reality tv; I love library books and beach reads; I love listening to podcasts ranging from self help to celebrity gossip; I love being outside; I love my she shed; and I am a self development junkie. I generally run optimistic and have to edit the number of exclamation points and smiley faces out of my writing. It’s why I’m here to be your biggest cheerleader.

XO Meryl

P.s. to learn more about my journey, check out the Blog!