Choose Your Hard
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Choose Your Hard

We can do hard things has been a quote we've clung onto. I'm going to take it one step further with a twist and say, we are always doing hard things. It's just a matter of which hard we're choosing.

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Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette


It's Labor Day weekend and for many, that means the ceremonious end to a more slow paced and carefree season.

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Stand in Your Truth
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Stand in Your Truth

As a recovering people pleaser, it's taken me a long time to understand that it's ok for me to stand in my own truth, even if I'm standing alone.

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Live In Your Season
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Live In Your Season

Our lives go through changes in season just like we experience here in New England.

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Don’t Quit
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Don’t Quit

I’m using the Olympics as inspiration for my own life, my own goals and dreams.

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We Are Not Our Thoughts
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

We Are Not Our Thoughts

I use to think that my thoughts were a reflection of me and who I am as a person. It was such a relief to find out that that is not the case.

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Find Your People
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Find Your People

They say we become the average of the 5 people we surround ourselves most with.

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YOU are the Expert
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

YOU are the Expert

Growing up, we're taught to listen to our parents. Listen to our teachers. Listen to anyone other than ourselves.

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Find your Paintbrush
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Find your Paintbrush

As kids, it's all about having fun and exploring. We're encouraged to try all different things on for size, and to see what we like. We don't know, until we try.

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Time Well Spent
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Time Well Spent

Where does all of your “free” time go? Maybe you feel like you don’t have any. But what if I told you that 20 years of our life are spent on our screens?!

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Veering from the Pack
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Veering from the Pack

It is instinctual to want to belong. Tribe mentality. The only way to survive was safety in numbers.

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Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette


If this word makes you gag the way it does to me, I want you to read this anyway lol. Because I'm going to offer a different perspective on it.

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Living in the Moment
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Living in the Moment

How can we live in the moment, when so much of our life can feel like it's on a schedule? Like we're at the whim of our job, our spouse, our kids, our boss, and the list goes on. Sometimes, it's completely self imposed.

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Holiday Triggers
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Holiday Triggers

Today is Mother's Day. It's one of many holidays that can be really triggering for people for a variety of reasons.

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