Self Care in our Current Climate
January was arguably one of the longest months ever. Just ask anyone.
But we have officially made it half way through winter, if you can believe it! Which means we're closer to Spring. But. If you believe in the groundhog predictions, we've got more winter time ahead. I feel like that vibes with what we're experiencing lol. So here's the thing. We can approach this one of two ways. We can get down about it and let the idea of it consume us, or we can focus on making the best of it. Doesn't that apply to everything we're experiencing right now? It's the reason I decided today to talk about self care. I was thinking about how I could talk again about what we're experiencing as a country. We could literally talk about that all day, every day. There's certainly enough to talk about. But there's a point at which it becomes unhealthy. I'm not saying to ignore what is going on, and in fact that would be impossible. But at the end of the day what we do have control over is ourselves and our own reactions to what is happening around us. We can't let the fear win. We need to build our strength and emotional reserves for whatever lies ahead. So let's focus on how we put on our own oxygen masks. Because we can't do anything if we're worn down, sick, or depleted. Here are the things I've been focusing on to take care of myself physically and emotionally. Maybe they'll give you some ideas for your own self care!
Limiting news exposure- my intention is to stay aware of the news, but not let it consume me. The way I'm doing that is limiting myself to taking in news in the beginning and end of the day, and limiting it to small bits. Reading a quick summary of the days/nights events. Whatever feels right to you, but I think the important thing is to control our intake and not be constantly getting news alerts on our phone for example. It's an easy way to sink us into despair because the reality is there are terrible things happening every moment. And if there are things we can't control or help in any way, what is it doing for us to let those terrible events, that have already happened, consume us?
Add in pleasurable noise- often times the easiest strategy for taking our focus away from one thing, is by adding something else in it's place. For example, if I read the news in the morning and then walk away from it, it's still going to be on my mind. I need to add something in to take it's place. For me right now that looks like a few different things which I choose depending on my mood: listening to an audiobook, listening to a podcast, listening to music. Sometimes I listen to self help or entrepreneurial podcasts, sometimes celebrity gossip if I just need a mental break.
Getting sucked into another world (in a good way)- I'm trying to spend more time reading and watching shows/movies and really escaping. And trying my best to not look at my phone while doing it. Trying to focus solely on what I'm watching or reading. It's the escape that sometimes our brains need. I just started American Marriage by Tayari Jones, and I'm currently watching the series Silo on Apple TV.
Going outside- regardless of the weather, I'm prioritizing a walk outside most days. I always feel better after being outside, that it outweighs any discomfort of the cold temps etc. I have dogs which are a great excuse, but if you don't, schedule a time to walk with a friend and catch up. Anything that motivates you to get some time outside each day. We also need that Vitamin D so it's another good reason to force yourself outside.
Drink more water- I've always struggled with getting enough water in. But recently I listened to a podcast that motivated me to change one of my long standing habits. Instead of making a cup of coffee first thing when I wake up, I make myself drink water and wait 1 hour before making a coffee. That way I'm forcing myself to start the day with water. It makes your coffee feel like that much more of a reward when it happens. Sometimes I force myself to wait to have the coffee until after I've been on a walk, so that it's like I'm rewarding myself with something warm after being outside. Now that I've been doing this for a few weeks, it's becoming ingrained as a habit. Sure there are some mornings that by habit I think of coffee first thing, but I just stop myself and drink water while I get dressed, do things around the house, get ready for the day, etc.
Exercise- for me, exercise is the fastest way for me to feel better mentally, and physically of course too. But when I take a class (I use the Peloton app at home), it takes me away from whatever is on my mind, and the music and teacher boost my mood. It's the motivation I need to do it even on the days where I feel like I'd rather not. I always know I'll feel so much better after. I'll filter by my fav teachers and look at the playlist and choose whatever suits the vibe I'm going for. If you're a Peloton person, I love spin classes with Cody when I need a laugh, or one of Alex's "club banger" classes when I want to work out hard to club music that brings me back to my college days.
Get your fruits and veggies in- I try to focus on eating seasonally and focusing on what's currently fresh. Obviously in the winter that's more limited. But I've been on an orange kick, and trying to focus on getting greens in most days. These are the foods that boost our moods and give us energy in a time of year where we feel more depleted. Our tendency can be to go towards comfort foods, which totally have there place. But they don't always leave us feeling our best after. So I'm trying to achieve that balance of having both. Or combining the two, and making a cozy casserole that's packed with veggies for example.
Set the vibe- in the winter I feel like it's particularly important to make sure the place you're spending most of your time (for me, that's home) cozy and comforting and just a place you want to be. For me, that looks like lighting candles and having fires, making floral arrangements for around the house (bright colors right now), and adding seasonal décor (right now that looks like Valentine's day ;) All of these elements bring me joy and comfort.
Break up your routine- I feel like it's easier to be spontaneous in the Spring and Summer. Like the change in season and warmth make us feel up for anything. Sometimes in the winter we can just get into a rut of routine. Especially true with new years resolutions and such. We get so focused, we kind of forget to have fun. And when I say fun, I don't mean we have to be making time for anything grand. Sometimes it's just necessary to try a new coffee place, or go treat yourself to lunch somewhere outside the house. Just things you wouldn't do on a day to day basis, but that just spice up your every day routine. I think this is especially important for those of us that work from home or are home most of the time. As cozy as our home may be, it's important to get out of it and experience some variety. It makes our home that much more appealing to come home to after some time away. Another thing I've been trying to do to spice things up is mix up my dinner routine. I often get in the habit of making the same 5 meals on rotation during the week, but lately I've been trying to mix in at least one new recipe per week, and usually something seasonal. Tomorrow I'm making this soba noodle soup with tofu, and modifying it a bit to include mushrooms and Bok choy that we got at the farmers market this weekend.
Stay connected- winter for sure is a deeper time of hibernation, where we often don't have as many social plans as in other months. But we have to resist the urge to totally hibernate, since we are humans who require community. Whether that means catching up with a friend on the phone, or meeting up for coffee, or trying that new restaurant. Just make sure you get something on the calendar, because these instances won't plan themselves. I have friends who I established this super fun routine with before the holidays, which we're about to resume. We all watch the Bachelor, so I started going to their house weekly for Bachelor watch parties where we would eat dinner, drink wine, and watch the week's episode together. It was a built in weekly routine and something to look forward to. Highly recommend!
Today is a Sunday, so it's a perfect day to practice some of these self care moments, and practice balancing routine and rest. Of course we're not going to be able to do all the things every day, but we can prioritize at least a few daily. Today I woke up and did some chores around the house while drinking my water. I ate my breakfast and sipped coffee while losing myself in other people's lives by watching some YouTube vlogs. I'm currently blogging, and will then treat myself to lunch at Mae's in Marshfield (an out of routine treat). Then I'll come home and do a little work and schedule planning for the week ahead, followed by some reading and maybe a tea. Then a little time outside in the yard with the dogs, where Niles will play with his herding ball which always makes me laugh. I'll make a comforting dinner (here's what I'm making!), but pack it with spinach from the farmers market ;) I'll have a glass of wine (ok probably 2) and enjoy my dinner fireside, then get sucked back into my current binge show (Silo).
Take care of yourself this week. We will get through this, and this too shall pass.