Summer Bucket List

Happy 1st day of summer!!! If you're in New England, you probably live for this time of year.

If I'm being honest, I'm more of a fall gal myself BUT. I chose to live in Scituate specifically so that I could go to the beach whenever I want, so I could maximize the limited time we get with that little guy the sun shining his face. One thing I've noticed about summer in particular though, vs. all the other seasons. And that's FOMO. Fear of missing out. If you're doom scrolling through social media (really working on this), your feed is filled with people living their "best lives." Or what they share anyway. It's filled with beach pics, vacations, concerts, ice cream…

We have a seasonal ice cream place nearby (JJ's for you locals) that we discovered when we were first house hunting. They'll post on social media when they're open and when they're closing for the season. Last year I saw their closing for the season post, and realized I had not ONCE gotten ice cream over the summer. I mean I'm sure I had grocery store ice cream, but we all know that does not count. I'm talking a drippy awkward cone full of the good stuff. In fact, by the time summer was over, I realized I hadn't actually done all that much "summery" stuff. And I live in a town people vacation to. I chose to live here to have sort of a permanent vacay vibe. And here I was depriving myself from all the simple little things that make summer magical and fleeting. And what was my excuse? I really didn't have one. Our time gets filled with all sorts of life things. We have to schedule and make time for the things that matter, and prioritize them. It may seem silly, but even a trip to the ice cream shop. Otherwise we will just get swept up in the things on our list. The responsibilities. Which will of course, always be there. But filling ourselves up with fun and joy is just as important. Life is about contrast. You need the fun, silly things to look forward to, which balance out the less pleasant life activities. It's funny how as kids, it's all about fun in the summer. As adults? Not so much. And if you're a parent, I bet you've spent lots of time planning all sorts of amazing activities and events for your kids. What about your summer bucket list???

I will not let this summer pass me by without ice cream. In fact, I'm not going to let a week pass me by without some sort of summery-y fun thing. Something to look forward to, something to plan for, something to add balance. I'm starting my list today. Here's what I've got so far:

  • Get ice cream

  • Beach with a friend

  • Beach by myself with a book

  • Swim in the ocean

  • Watch live music somewhere

  • Go into Boston

  • Outdoor dining

  • Get a new grill

This is just a start to my list to start getting intentional about the things I want to prioritize the next couple months! Some of them are no brainers that I know I'll make happen, where others will require more planning.  But I realized since today is the official first day of summer, the countdown is on. And I will not let this summer pass me by without an ice cream cone!!! Let's exchange summer bucket list items. I want to hear what's on yours!!! And not to get FOMO, but to be inspired to add to my list :D So give me your summer bucket list plans here.



Self Sabotage


Hiding behind busyness