We Are Not Our Thoughts
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

We Are Not Our Thoughts

I use to think that my thoughts were a reflection of me and who I am as a person. It was such a relief to find out that that is not the case.

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Find Your People
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Find Your People

They say we become the average of the 5 people we surround ourselves most with.

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YOU are the Expert
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

YOU are the Expert

Growing up, we're taught to listen to our parents. Listen to our teachers. Listen to anyone other than ourselves.

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Find your Paintbrush
Meryl Pinette Meryl Pinette

Find your Paintbrush

As kids, it's all about having fun and exploring. We're encouraged to try all different things on for size, and to see what we like. We don't know, until we try.

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