Hello, 2024!

We've been patiently waiting ;)

I approach a new year with a feeling of optimism. It feels like a fresh start, and an opportunity to try something different- whatever that may be. The idea of change in this way is exhilarating. Every year I will write down the things I want to leave behind in the previous year. I don't look at it in a negative way at all. It's more a way of prompting myself to think about my intentions for the new year. As I write down what I no longer want to do, think, etc- it makes me consider what I want instead. It's helpful to know what you don't want, but knowing what you do want instead is where the magic is. I'm not someone who gets too bogged down in the details. I like to keep it high level, because I have no interest in setting myself up for failure. I want to give myself options for how to reach my overall goals. And the reality is, sometimes we don't know exactly how something will play out. But I firmly believe if we say it, if we put it out there, we are setting ourselves up for possibility. It's like the idea someone could have the exact solution for you that you need, but they never think to offer it because you never mentioned needing it.  So today, I'm here to declare what I'm leaving behind in 2023, to leave room for all that 2024 has in store :)

I'm leaving behind self doubt and ignoring my intuition. Instead, I'm trusting that only I know what's best for me- and to trust my intuition when it nudges me.

I'm leaving behind comparison or judgement of myself in comparison to anyone other than myself. Instead, I'm here to focus on my own path. I know it's not going to look like anyone else's, and that's ok. I'm the only one who can judge if it's the right path for me.

I'm leaving behind focusing on fear, and letting it drive my decisions. Fear comes from a lack mentality, and I instead want to come from a place of confidence and empowerment.

I'm leaving behind questioning my value/worth as it relates to work. If I'm not the right fit for someone, it's not a reflection of me and what I bring to the table. Instead, it's a reflection that it isn't an aligned opportunity, and something better is in store that I need to be freed up for. I trust that what is meant for me, won't pass me by.

I'm leaving behind playing too small. No one has it all figured out, and I don't need to doubt in my ability to figure things out. I'm capable of way more than I give myself credit for, and I'm planning on showing up that way this year.

I'm leaving behind fear of being vulnerable. I've learned that being vulnerable is a huge gift, and that it opens up doors for me when I put myself out there. So I'm putting myself out there this year.

I'm leaving behind worrying what anyone else things about me. Their opinion of me is none of my business, and I may be making up stories that aren't even true. I don't want to waste precious time worrying about what someone may be thinking. Their thoughts don't define me and who I am, and they won't this year.

I'm leaving behind doing the things I think I "should." By anyone's standards. I know when something is aligned for me. I know it in my gut. So if my gut says it's a no, even if my brain tells me I "should,"… it's time to listen.

I'm leaving behind anyone that brings negativity in my life. Whether they misjudge my character, bring drama, bring low energy or vibrations, it's their stuff to figure out- not mine. I believe I'm here for a reason, and I need to focus on my path. These things only get in the way of what I'm here to do.

I'm leaving behind worrying about money. Money comes, and money goes. It will always be this way. Money is energy, and I want more of it, not less. So I'm not going to focus on bringing less of it my way by continuously worrying about it (which doesn't work). I'm focusing on abundance that I can't even believe is possible :) 

I'm leaving behind dimming my light so others feel less threatened or uncomfortable. I'm focusing on what I'm here to accomplish.

I'm leaving behind thinking that I need to know exactly how everything is going to play out before making the first move. If I feel that intuitive nudge to do something, I'm going to trust it and see how it unfolds.

I'm leaving behind waiting for permission. I'm the only one who can create the life I want to live, and it's up to me to initiate the steps to get there.

Now that I've reflected on the past and set fresh intentions for change, I'll focus on some more overall goals for the year that are forward thinking. I think it's most important to focus on how I want to feel, and not necessarily define exactly what will get me to that feeling. I'm open to how the details work themselves out. What I will do is list some overall feelings I want going into 2024.

I want to feel free.

I want to feel peace.

I want to feel satisfaction.

I want to feel filled with joy.

I want to feel open.

I want to feel abundant.

I want to feel healthy.

I want to feel full of energy.

I want to feel curious.

I want to feel inspired.

I want to feel supported.

I want to feel generous.

I want to feel excited.

And lastly, the little things. Just some final items that I've been thinking about going into this year.  

I want to make updates to our home, to help elevate it this year. I really feel it's important that the place you spend the most time in is a sanctuary, and source of peace, calm and inspiration. I'm envisioning a fresh coat of paint on the outside, a few design refreshes in some rooms, new bed/bedding. Some new outdoor furniture. As a side note- you may remember in my summer bucket list, I put that I wanted us to get a new grill. We hadn't grilled in years because the charcoal grill we had just felt like too much effort for nightly grilling, but it was something we use to love to do.  Towards the end of the summer we finally got around to getting one, and I just have to tell you. For something that seems so trivial and little, it was huge. It made the rest of the summer so fun. We spent most weekends grilling our dinners and hanging outside with the dogs, and I looked forward to it every night we did it. It was this move that made me start thinking about the other things that could up level our time at home. To do seemingly small things that would make for things to enjoy every day.

I want to have more fun. Plan more fun into my schedule. Say yes to more. Plan things and invite other people along. Have things to look forward to. I feel like the combination of the pandemic, being hyper focused on work, coming from a place of lack (of money), combined with fear of leaving our now 16 month old puppy… led to me hermitting too much and not thinking about fun. I was so focused on the "doing" of life, and felt guilty about even thinking about anything outside of that. Almost like I didn't deserve it or something? I don't know, but as I've reflected on it recently, it's made me a little sad! I feel like I'm at a point where I'm ready to be more balanced, and I understand I really need it. And I am worthy.

Ok, I think that's enough for now… LOL. I know, it's kind of a lot! But I'm feeling inspired, energized, and ready for this new year! The past week I've been in that beginning of year go mode. Cleaning out closets, donating things, getting taxes ready… all the fun stuff. But it feels good to have a fresh slate, and to literally clear things out to make room for the new.  

I hope your new year is off to a great start too, and I'm excited to stay connected with you all in this new year and see what it brings! Cheers to 2024, and to you.


P.s. if your new year is not off to an ideal start, don’t worry. Don’t throw in the towel. At any time, we have the opportunity to switch gears. It’s never to late to start again <3


Settling Into Winter


Goodbye, 2023! With gratitude.