What’s Meant For You Won’t Pass You By

We live in a world that's taught us that we can have anything we want if we put our mind to it. But that we have to work for it. Earn it.

It's something I've been thinking about a lot lately, and realize this is something I think about recurringly the first quarter of every year. It's typically a slower time for my business, which can lead to all sorts of panicked thoughts around lack and self doubt. From a place of fear,  I'll usually start thinking about what I need to do. It comes from a place of desperation. It's interesting because I recognize that this happens, without fail, every year at this time. What's also interesting to me is the timing. We're in winter- a time where if we follow nature, we should be hibernating, rejuvinating in anticipation of coming back to life in Spring. But in my mind, all I can focus on is all the seeds I should be planting. Laying the groundwork for what's to come. In my rational mind, I recognize that this is not the place where my best, most inspired work comes from. I have to remind myself of the season we're in, and remind myself that what's meant for me won't pass me by.  

This notion requires faith. It's the opposite of forcing something to happen. The topic of manifestation is really popular, and I have a lot of thoughts on the topic. I absolutely believe that you can manifest what you want to happen in your life. But I think there are a lot of caveats to how you get to that place. I believe what you're manifesting has to be the right energetic match for you in order to make it happen. Therefore, coming from a place of desperation and lack is not going to attract the high vibrational things you want. Energy goes where it flows. Not where it's going to meet resistance. You have to be ready to receive it, which means putting yourself in the places, situations, and with the people who are a vibrational match. Surround yourself with the people doing what you want to do, who have what you want to have, etc. Just show up. And release expectation for what may come. 

Sometimes we cling on to a specific idea of what we want or need. I think if we release the specificity around it and focus instead on the feeling we want to achieve, we better set ourselves up for success in getting what we truly want. Ultimately, the end goal is a feeling rather than how we get there or with what. It opens us up to possibilities of getting something greater than what we could have imagined for ourselves. There were a few different times in my 20s when I interviewed at some pretty big companies that I thought I absolutely had to work at. I can be honest now in saying that I think a lot of that was ego. Like it would mean something if I got those jobs. If I could say I worked at those places. I didn't get those jobs, and I think there are many reasons why. I don't think you manifest something with ego. I think if it comes from a place of ego, it's not for the highest good. I also believe that I was instead being setup for jobs that were a better match for me and what I truly wanted and needed in my life.  I can say that looking back now, as hindsight is 20/20. But I think understanding that conceptually is what allows me to have faith in the idea that what's meant for me won't pass me by. It reminds me that the way to go about manifesting what's right for me in any part of my life is to focus on the feeling I want to feel, the experiences I want to have. Then I release how that happens and in what form to the universe to decide. I want the feeling of financial abundance, but I release expectations around how it shows up in my life. If I focus too narrowly on how that could happen, I may miss something happening right in front of me that I'm not open to seeing because I'm so preoccupied with how it has to show up. Maybe I think it has to show up through my business, but maybe it actually shows up through a lottery ticket LOL. You get the idea ;) Maybe it comes through some other random opportunity that I never even thought of. We just have to be open.

I do truly believe that what's meant for us won't pass us by. Years ago in the early stages of my business, I got an opportunity to be featured in a magazine spread specifically about my business, for free. With a photographer who came to my house and shot pictures of me and my work that I could use in any way I wanted outside of the magazine spread. What's even more incredible is how this opportunity came to me. To this day, I literally have no idea how it came to me. No idea who recommended me to the editor or how she may have randomly stumbled across me, truly- no clue. I didn't even subscribe to the magazine. The other amazing part is that this opportunity sat in my junk mail in my business email account for weeks. WEEKS. I now check my junk mail faithfully every day (and you should too LOL). My point in all of this is- clearly for some reason, this opportunity was meant for me. So it did not pass me by, in spite of the fact that it could have. I responded to the email apologizing profusely for the delay, and they immediately responded that they were still interested in doing the piece. This was also back in pandemic days, so it was incredible that there was a photographer comfortable and willing to come to my home to photograph me and my work. It then all happened really really fast. I rushed to the flower market to source everything and was totally in the flow. Another funny thing is that at the time, I was really overdue for a bang trim and my hair was kind of a disaster. Again, pandemic days. I texted my amazing hair stylist explaining the situation and asking her if there was any way she could squeeze me in somewhere for a bang trim to which she responded with, "OMG are you kidding me?! You can't be on a magazine looking like this we need to do your color, your whole head!!!!" and she took me in the next day and stayed late. To this day, it's one of our favorite combos of fashion colors she ever did on my hair. So then she had pretty pics too for her own advertising purposes. Fate :) There were so many obstacles that could have prevented this all from happening that didn't, because it was just meant to be. And I had no hand in orchestrating any of it- I just was open and willing, and the project was an energetic match.

So, a reminder to myself and anyone who needs it right now. What's meant for you won't pass you by. You just have to be open, be available… and check your junk mail :)



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