I probably don't have the typical stance when it comes to Valentine's Day. The fact is, I FREAKING LOVE IT.

Growing up, I never viewed it in the stereotypical romantic sense that I think has largely been pushed in the past. I credit my Dad for that. He was always making every holiday special, even the "lesser" holidays like St. Patrick's Day, Valentine's Day, etc. So it was more just about celebrating and doing special things, and there were always little gifts and treats. It was his way of showing us kids that he loved us. And it worked. So I never viewed Valentine's Day as just a holiday to show a romantic partner love, but rather viewed it as a day about love in general. Which I'm grateful for. When it was "cool" to hate on Valentine's Day, I didn't really subscribe. As far as I was concerned, Valentine's Day was only about good things- chocolate, flowers, all things pink… sign me up. And now, I have a business that keeps me very busy on the holiday. Which I LOVE. So I'm now also a love pusher LOL. I'm the one coming after you reminding you to get your floral orders in way before anyone is even thinking about the day. Because for florists, it's like the floral super bowl. I get a lot of orders for deliveries, but you know what my most popular offering is? My Galentine's classes. And honestly, it really makes me happy. The fact that Galentine's Day is now a holiday (Feb 13th in case you didn't know) is a sign of changing times around what Valentine's Day means. Where the focus should truly be on love of all kinds.  Maybe this hasn't been your experience, or you don't think much about the day. I get it! But in thinking about it, why wouldn't we use the day as an opportunity to spread love? I think it's safe to say, this world can always use more of it. So what can love look like that day? Here are some of my thoughts-

Love to your partner/spouse: the obvious. But hey, maybe you needed the reminder ;) Show them in some way, even small, that you love them. Just a card goes a long way (although DUH, I'm going to say flowers also LOL).

Love to your kids: I think what my dad did was great. I think raising kids that feel loved, and that see Valentine's Day as a day about love in all senses of the word, can bring nothing but good. And I don't know a kid that doesn't love a little candy, or some fun V Day decorations ;)

Love to your pets: I make sure to get the holiday themed toys in advance of holidays before they sell out, so our dogs already got their Valentine's Day toys, but you better believe they'll get extra love and treats that day too (in between deliveries, of course).

Love to your friends/family members: even just a text to say Happy Valentine's Day is I think, really sweet. Everyone likes the feeling that someone is thinking about them.  

Love to your enemies: ok hang on for a sec. Here's what I mean. If someone wrongs you- cuts you off in traffic, holds up the line in CVS for that last minute card, etc- give them a pass. Let it go. Love 'em and leave 'em. Don’t let the annoyance take over. P.s. why do people love to hate on Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce?! Like, COME ON. I'm here for it and I don't get the haters.

Love on the road: be the one to spread love/joy where you go that day. Just be kind, smile. Be patient. As with any holiday, Valentine's Day could be hard for some- so the extra kindness never hurts.

Self love: do something for yourself. It doesn't have to be big. Something that makes you feel loved. Maybe it's a little gift (I already treated myself to hot pink candles for the occasion), maybe it's a special meal or takeout (we have a tradition of getting Indian food). Maybe a special dessert (vegan cupcakes are for sure in my plans). Maybe it's just a little time for yourself- a walk, time to read something for pleasure, watch a movie (I always watch Valentine's Day the movie- featuring every actor you can imagine including Taylor Swift lol- I highly recommend watching for the ultimate feel good V Day experience). It's impossible to spread love if you don't first have love for yourself.

Let's all do our little part to spread the love this week.

I'm sending you lots of love this Valentine's Day!!! 



My Path to Authenticity

