A place for me to live out loud, on purpose.

Hi! I’m Meryl. And this is my first Blog… I know! How 1994 of me. I’m 40 and I live in Scituate, a small seaside town south of Boston, with my husband Jeb and our rescue dogs Reese & Niles. I own a small floral design business that I created 6 years ago on a bit of a whim (and a lot of hope and prayers lol). It has changed my life in ways I never could have imagined. I never saw myself as a business owner, didn’t identify as a designer, and had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Starting a business meant opening myself up to learning again. To being a beginner. To being vulnerable. And to being on my own. I wasn’t prepared for any part of it! You might assume that I must have a lot of confidence to make a move like that, or that I’m really comfortable with taking risks (I am so not!). In reality, I just had a hit of intuition about this business idea, and I just followed it and stumbled along.

The biggest battle I’ve had as a business owner is the one going on in my own head. And it’s not just ruminating about my business. I’m busy ruminating about everything. So much of being a business owner is about mindset. And isn’t that true of really everything in life? So I’m creating a place for myself to process and share what I’ve gone through and what I’ve learned, and what I’m currently working through. This unexpected hit of intuition about something I should try is what started me on my journey as a small business owner 5 years ago, and it’s what is bringing me here now to open up and share with you.

My goal is to live a life of intention and purpose, that’s authentic to me, and filled with joy. And of course, full of work that lights me up (I’m a Generator in Human Design- more on that later!!!). I want to allow myself the space to evolve and change and be comfortable in the in-between. I want to keep seeking purpose, and keep following my intuition even when it doesn’t make sense to me (yet).

Maybe you’re on a journey of self discovery yourself, or maybe you just like to read about other people’s stories and lives (me too). Whatever the reason you’re here with me, welcome :) The plan is no plan- I’m going to share my life and what I’m learning, in whatever way those lessons come up. Will it be cohesive? Probably not. Entertaining? Hopefully. Cringey? I hope not.. but maybe!!!

If you’ve arrived here and we haven’t met yet, a little more about me- I’m an Aries and a 2/4 Generator in Human Design; I’m a vegan of 7 years and a huge animal lover; a lover of wine and craft beer; I love cooking; I love Peloton classes; I adore my dogs more than most things; I love flowers and all things design; I love reality tv; I love library books and beach reads; I love listening to podcasts ranging from self help to celebrity gossip; I love being outside- whether that’s at the beach, in the woods, or strolling Scituate harbor; I love my she shed; and I am a self development junkie… the main reason I’m here! I generally run optimistic and have to edit the number of exclamation points and smiley faces out of my writing. But that’s a work in progress which you’ll soon find out ;) Just a taste of the other things that make me up, and will likely slip into my posts!


Meryl Lee

p.s. Lee is my middle name… so it’s a play on words, get it?!